Dedicated to the relentless pursuit of fish on the fly. Welcome to the obsession, I hope you enjoy the pics and ramblings. If you like what you see (or really don't), feel free to drop me an email at And when you're done, get your waders on and get out there, cause the only way to catch 'em is with your bug in the water.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's On!

Finally, after waiting much too long, they're here. The pinks have arrived in good numbers and while they're not quite smashing flies, at least they're biting enough to entertain with a lively fight. I've been out the past few days with some great folks, some of whom have never seen a salmon before, let alone hooked up with one. They had a blast and between the fish and the bears everybody's left with a smile.

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Quit reading this now and go fishing