Two words: cut bow. Mark and I headed out to look for big rainbows for the past two days in a location who's name I seem to have already forgotten. Bummer for you, it's really good.

We fished one spot Monday and got into some pretty interesting water chasing the big bows and cutbows in steeeep fast water. Incidentally, I did land this fish after chasing it over two waterfalls. I was a good 20 feet vertically lower than where I had been when I hooked him.

We were both pleasantly surprised by how much fight these fish put up and by the end of the day had the sore arms to show for it.

After spending the night at what is probably the coolest campground I've seen in a while, we headed down the road and proceeded to get our asses handed to us. After 5 or 6 hours of abuse we finally gave it up for a lost cause and cruised out. Not totally discouraged, we stopped along the way to look for carp and found...cutbows. We also found some carp and after landing two out of the first pod we saw, we worked into a small bay and started firing bugs at another pod. The carp seemed like they couldn't care less if there was an easy offering in front of them, but the nice cutbows hanging out with them took notice and we got in several good chunky ones.

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