Here we go, day three in a row just KILLING IT! Josh and I headed out and hit the river today despite the nasty little snowstorm that rolled in and once again, it was silly good. The weather cleared just in time for the fish to start hitting. Old Slim didn't make an appearance but his buddy the fatass cutty decided to give Josh a run for his money. I was beginning to wonder if he was going to chew through the leader it took so long. The action was pretty constant, mostly browns in the 14-18" range with a couple of seriously hyper bows thrown in for good measure. Josh had to turn in early, so I headed down to another spot and proceeded to watch brown after brown taildance like crazy upon being hooked. It was ridiculous. After seven browns in the 16-20" range landed and several more lost, I spent almost two hours fishing to a monster bow that was posted up on a sandbar. I never would have thought that making an 80' cast with a nymph rig would be a good idea, but it was about the only chance I had. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get a good drift to him and eventually he moved off. I can't really complain, though, all told it was an awesome day.

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