Saturday, April 12, 2014
I spent yesterday working my way up one of the local rivers here, and although it was starting to color up, there were fish where they should have been. Sixty degrees, bluebird, and good water. What else could I ask for? A bunch of really colored up browns and rainbows? Check.
And to top it all off, hows about a nice big rainbow on 6x? I didn't think I was going to land this dude, particularly after postholing through the snow on the bank and taking a nosedive while chasing it down a riffle. This is definitely the coolest looking rainbow I've seen in a while.
I'm heading back out today to poke around some more, and it may be a bit early but I think the fishing around here is going to be GOOD. Not easy, but good fish that are a bit more of a challenge to get. It's time to step up and bring the A-Game.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Ok, here we go again, it's been quite a while but it's about time to get this going again. After some great spring fishing in western Wyoming, I've hit the road for Colorado to set up a new base of operation in the Gunnison Valley. Here's some shots from the last float in WY for a while, with my buddy Andy Fisher in downtown Thermopolis. The little glutton at the end there ate my san juan despite having a 6" minnow jammed down his throat. Yeah, it was a good one. So long for now, Wyoming, it's been a great run.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Frenzy Holiday Giveaway
December 19, 2011
Frenzy Giveaways
scott fly rod fly fishing frenzy giveaway
The Fly Fishing Frenzy has an awesome giveaway for you!! We wanted to show our appreciation to all for following our Fly Fishing Blog and by doing so we are going to give away a few things:
1. Scott fly rod
2. Montana Fly Company fly reel w/backing and new fly line.
3. Montana Fly Company fly box
4. Additional fly box (cf style)
5. Fish Gear Fly Fishing Shirt
6. Fly Fishing Frenzy Decal
This stuff is awesome, especially the Scott Fly Rod. Our Christmas gift to you, on Christmas day morning we will be picking the winner. This giveaway will be running all week.
Here is how to throw your name in the hat. We wanted to make it easy but at the same time have some fun with it so we came up with a point system. The more points you have the more tickets you have and better chance you have to win.
There are three things you can do to get a chance to win, the first one is required.
* First, it is required to subscribe to our blog either by email or RSS and post this link of this blog post on your Facebook page for 1 point. (for those that already subscribe all you need to do is post this to Facebook.)
* Second, you can comment on the post for an extra point.
* Third, you can get 5 extra points by reposting this blog post in its entirety to your blog or website.
With over $400 worth of stuff make sure if you do repost this to your blog or site please email us at so we can make sure you get the extra points.
1. Here is the link to our Feed: or you can subscribe to our blog via email here
A confirmation message is on its way!
2. Post this URL to your Facebook page:
3. or repost this blog post on your blog or site its entirety. Just highlight, copy and paste.
check the Fly Fishing Facebook Page for Contest Updates.
CF Style Fly Box
Fish Gear Shirt
fly fishing frenzy decal
December 19, 2011
Frenzy Giveaways
scott fly rod fly fishing frenzy giveaway
The Fly Fishing Frenzy has an awesome giveaway for you!! We wanted to show our appreciation to all for following our Fly Fishing Blog and by doing so we are going to give away a few things:
1. Scott fly rod
2. Montana Fly Company fly reel w/backing and new fly line.
3. Montana Fly Company fly box
4. Additional fly box (cf style)
5. Fish Gear Fly Fishing Shirt
6. Fly Fishing Frenzy Decal
This stuff is awesome, especially the Scott Fly Rod. Our Christmas gift to you, on Christmas day morning we will be picking the winner. This giveaway will be running all week.
Here is how to throw your name in the hat. We wanted to make it easy but at the same time have some fun with it so we came up with a point system. The more points you have the more tickets you have and better chance you have to win.
There are three things you can do to get a chance to win, the first one is required.
* First, it is required to subscribe to our blog either by email or RSS and post this link of this blog post on your Facebook page for 1 point. (for those that already subscribe all you need to do is post this to Facebook.)
* Second, you can comment on the post for an extra point.
* Third, you can get 5 extra points by reposting this blog post in its entirety to your blog or website.
With over $400 worth of stuff make sure if you do repost this to your blog or site please email us at so we can make sure you get the extra points.
1. Here is the link to our Feed: or you can subscribe to our blog via email here
A confirmation message is on its way!
2. Post this URL to your Facebook page:
3. or repost this blog post on your blog or site its entirety. Just highlight, copy and paste.
check the Fly Fishing Facebook Page for Contest Updates.
CF Style Fly Box
Fish Gear Shirt
fly fishing frenzy decal
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tooth Missile
Way up in the north woods of Wisconsin there lurk monsters. Some of the biggest, meanest freshwater predators in North America prowl murky tannin-stained water with one thing on their mind: destroying the egos of fisherman. Walk into any bar in the north woods and you'll see one on the wall. Chances are you'll hear the story of how it was caught and by who and what kind of epic battle ensued. You'll also probably hear about how long the guy fished for it before catching it. It's not uncommon to hear stories of people fishing for years just to get a shot at one. So when the chance arose to go throw flies at the mighty musky, there was only one thing to do.
Down the road we went, Andrew D. and I, and 30 hours and 2000ish miles later we arrived in the muskie capitol of the world. Of course there were the usual delays with gear, middle of the night truck repairs, and having only a vague idea where we were going. But there we were, staring bleary eyed into steaming cups of coffee as our buddy Tim Fisher pulled out his camera. "This was yesterday," he said, as he flipped through picture after picture of giant fish. "You boys ready for this?" Tim is one of the guides at Musky Country Outfitters ( and was pumped that we finally got to come up to his neck of the woods when he had a couple of days off. Some of you may remember Tim from the last Wisconsin epic. Off to the river we went, dropping the boat in at a beautifully manicured launch site that I'm pretty sure Andew was not a big fan of, it being his truck and boat. Hey, what harm have concrete and rocks ever done?

We quickly learned that musky fishing is just like throwing streamers for trout. That is, if for trout you were throwing a 10wt. rod, sinking line, and a small dog as your fly. It's a good thing we had the helmet. The first fish that came in got us going. A few hours into the float we saw a tail break the surface just a little way downstream and Andrew's fly got smashed a minute later. It was on, it was hot, and it was pissed.

With the skunk out of the boat, we pressed on, smacking our huge flies into every seam, pocket, and riffle that looked fishy with nothing to show for it. Then, in the fading daylight, as our hope of another fish was fading, my line came tight. With a vicious strip set I drove the hook home and the next thing I knew the water exploded. A missle streaked across the river and erupted from the surface. The fish tried to jump several times, with violent gill plate rattling head shakes that I just knew were going to throw the hook. Putting my ten weight to the test, the fish ripped back and forth across the river. I didn't give him an inch, hoping that the 60lb. leader and 80lb. tippet would hold, and it did. With victory in sight, Tim slammed down the anchor, grabbed the net, and guided the beast in. It turned out to be the biggest fish of the trip, estimated at around 44", and my personal best for any fish on a fly.

Over the next three days we pounded water in several different locations and were able to land two smaller musky as well as a few smaller northern pike, but nothing quite like that first day. We saw plenty of other fish, even having a few supermonsters follow flies right up to the boat, only to turn away. That was just fine, that's Musky fishing for ya. Four days, four musky, no complaints here. A big thanks to Tim Tim and Willan the flymaster at the musky shack, I'm looking forward to partying down with you guys next year.

Down the road we went, Andrew D. and I, and 30 hours and 2000ish miles later we arrived in the muskie capitol of the world. Of course there were the usual delays with gear, middle of the night truck repairs, and having only a vague idea where we were going. But there we were, staring bleary eyed into steaming cups of coffee as our buddy Tim Fisher pulled out his camera. "This was yesterday," he said, as he flipped through picture after picture of giant fish. "You boys ready for this?" Tim is one of the guides at Musky Country Outfitters ( and was pumped that we finally got to come up to his neck of the woods when he had a couple of days off. Some of you may remember Tim from the last Wisconsin epic. Off to the river we went, dropping the boat in at a beautifully manicured launch site that I'm pretty sure Andew was not a big fan of, it being his truck and boat. Hey, what harm have concrete and rocks ever done?
We quickly learned that musky fishing is just like throwing streamers for trout. That is, if for trout you were throwing a 10wt. rod, sinking line, and a small dog as your fly. It's a good thing we had the helmet. The first fish that came in got us going. A few hours into the float we saw a tail break the surface just a little way downstream and Andrew's fly got smashed a minute later. It was on, it was hot, and it was pissed.

With the skunk out of the boat, we pressed on, smacking our huge flies into every seam, pocket, and riffle that looked fishy with nothing to show for it. Then, in the fading daylight, as our hope of another fish was fading, my line came tight. With a vicious strip set I drove the hook home and the next thing I knew the water exploded. A missle streaked across the river and erupted from the surface. The fish tried to jump several times, with violent gill plate rattling head shakes that I just knew were going to throw the hook. Putting my ten weight to the test, the fish ripped back and forth across the river. I didn't give him an inch, hoping that the 60lb. leader and 80lb. tippet would hold, and it did. With victory in sight, Tim slammed down the anchor, grabbed the net, and guided the beast in. It turned out to be the biggest fish of the trip, estimated at around 44", and my personal best for any fish on a fly.
Over the next three days we pounded water in several different locations and were able to land two smaller musky as well as a few smaller northern pike, but nothing quite like that first day. We saw plenty of other fish, even having a few supermonsters follow flies right up to the boat, only to turn away. That was just fine, that's Musky fishing for ya. Four days, four musky, no complaints here. A big thanks to Tim Tim and Willan the flymaster at the musky shack, I'm looking forward to partying down with you guys next year.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Muskie Madness
Quick update...on the road to Hayward, WI, muskie capitol of the world. More to follow. Things are about to get interesting.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Browntooth Offensive
The Browntooth army was out in full force today, mounting a full scale assault on helpless chernobyl ants. They even sent out the big guns, but the seemingly helpless foamies held the trump card, with a couple of very motivated anglers on the other end of the line. A temporary cease-fire has been called for the night, giving both sides time to formulate their battle plans for tomorrow...
On a sad note, we did stumble upon a very nice 22" brown that was just rolling along with the current. On closer inspection, it appeared to have been smacked by an osprey or eagle, and despite a long time spent trying to help it recover, I eventually pulled the plug. And by pulled the plug I mean it's now in my freezer. I've never knowingly killed a brown before and I hope it's a long long time before I do it again. I rarely eat trout and when I do it's usually a laker or high mountain brookie. I'm not even sure I'm going to be able to eat this one, I might have to donate it to some friends who will.
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Evening Hatch

Snuck out this evening with Kit P. to check out a couple of small-water spots. Once again, staying off the Green paid off with a pile of spunky bows, browns, macs, and even one very confused-looking sucker. Hey, it ate a fly and tugged on the line, what more can we ask for?

We did have one big letdown though. I got wrecked by some unseen force in heavy water. One second my indicator was bobbing along a foam line, and the next it was streaking downward. I tried to stop it, turn it, something, anything, but whatever ate my bug decided that it was going to put all it had into a nosedive and blast directly upstream. After ripping all the line through my fingers and screaming my reel for a few seconds, it was gone, leaving my completely intact rig drifting back downstream toward me. Neither of us saw the fish, but two things are certain: It had to be huge and I know where it lives.

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